Datasmith Layer Exporter v1.05 (3DS Max)
A simple maxscript that batches layer export to .udatasmith for Unreal Engine and 3DS Max users. The development of this tool is NOT affiliated with Epic.
Prerequisites: Autodesk 3DS Max (2016+), Unreal Datasmith Exporter Plugin (4.22+)
Optional: iToo's Forest Pack Pro
Features includes (tested on Max 2020):
- Saves Datasmith files (both .udatasmith and associated asset folders) to a target location. You can open said folder to inspect the files directly.
- Automatically turns off scene exposure control prior to export, then back on after all export is completed (in order to skip extra post process volume if missed).
- Possible batch exports based on: layer selection, all scene layers, selection sets, and current selection. Objects that are hidden and layers/selection sets that contain no visible objects will be skipped.
- Exported files will have their file name changed to reflect the nested layer system within Max. For example, if you have a nested layer structure as "Building > Interior > Furniture", your udatasmith file will be named "Building_Interior_Furniture.udatasmith". The elongated layer hierarchy will not be displayed under Layer Selection section of the UI.
- Allows same option for exporting current frame and active time segment (animation time line will update interactively based on specified parameter) as the native Datasmith exporter for animation.
- Allows user to determine how Forest Pack objects are to be exported - either as Static Mesh or Bounding Box. To understand what setting suits your needs, please watch this video tutorial by iToo Software or click on the "?" in the UI.
Update (Dec 21, 2023):
- Updated the script to work with newer Datasmith version and UE5.1+, tested with Max 2024.
- Added 'All Visible Objects' mode. Depending on your 'Export XRef Scenes' setting, this option may or may not export with XRef scenes. That said, only this option supports XRef scenes; the other modes will skip the XRef scene objects altogether.
Installation instruction (.mcr):
- Drag and drop the .mcr into max viewport or go to Scripting > Run Script to install the script.
- Find the script under "Custom" category named "Datasmith Layer Exporter" to add a button to any one of your toolbars.
- Click on the button to run the script.
Installation instruction (.ms):
- Drag and drop the .ms file into max viewport to run the script.
.mcr and .ms file for 3DS Max
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